Saturday, 23 February 2013

We get digging

Yesterday, between the snow flurries I popped to the plot with some tools. I cut down the raspberry canes until the cold bit through my gloves and I had to concede to the elements.
Today the sun shone weakly for a moment so we dashed there and made a start. For some reason we seemed to be wearing our 19th century Russian peasant outfits. - Always a good look when gardening.

H moved the compost bin...

 ... whilst I made a start on the weeding. Soon, soon, we too will have that dark, crumbly soil that crops will love and grow in with abundance. Monet's Garden is my inspiration, nasturtiums and marigolds amongst the lettuces. But some simple rows of carrots, beans and potatoes will be fine for now.. plus some courgette and squash plants in the old compost patch. I'm planing where the asparagus bed will be. Yum yum.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Bye bye plot 83... hello plot 31a

We weeded and tided up the old plot as best we could, laid down plastic tarps to suppress the weeds and left it for the winter. It was a long treck to get there, and my enthusiasm wained... I tried to love it, but it was an out of the way plot,  no charm, no zing. I longed for a closer spot, one nearer to our gate, nearer to the hub and buzz of the allotment centre. I asked the secretary to put us on the waiting list for another place.... one month passed, two, three, four... Then  last week I thought a cheeky phone call might be in order... Eric said he had me on the list... he was sure something would come up when the payment requests were sent out...

Yesterday he rang me. A plot had come up and this morning I went to see it.

Dah dah! Hey Presto and Alacazam!!! Its perfect. Right in the centre of everything. It has an old chicken coupe at the back; which we can grow a vine up and shut the dog in when she is with us so she doesn't disturb every one. A lovely shed, an old apple tree, lots of current bushes, raspberry bushes, a strawberry patch, and rows of leeks to pull now. Theres not too much weeding to do as the careful gardeners before us have just moved along a few rows to be next to their dad to help him with his plot. I met them too, great people, they even offered to rotivate the soil for me.

Behind the plot is a stream, to one side is the path to the wildlife area with a copse of fruit trees and a hazel wigloo hideaway for children to play in.. I can't wait to start. I am looking forward to drawing and painting there as the year develops... as well as the wonderful fruit and veg we are going to grow, hooray!