We've popped down to the plot from time to time over the last couple of weeks, to water, to hoe, to pick yet more blackcurrants and gooseberries, the first courgettes, lettuces beetroots and some potatoes. I haven't been since about Tuesday, when I brought our youngest son; back from uni, to see how it's getting on. But today, after our week of blazing sun, the odd shower, and then last nights downpour, a transformation astounded us. The sunflowers have grown giant sized and have golden flowers.
But everything else has started to produce fabulous goodies too. Our harvest was enormous.
Kilos more blackcurrants, some raspberries, the last gooseberries, onions, beans, cucumbers, beetroots, lettuce, chard and a little squash.
We are going away for a couple of weeks on Thursday, you can be sure I'll be down on the plot, tending and harvesting then too. We wont be able to shut our freezer. Yum. yum.