Thursday, 7 March 2013

Yesterdays digging...

The sun was shining again, and as I knew I wouldn't be around this weekend to finish the digging, I took advantage of the clement weather and a free afternoon to finish the crop rotation beds. My friend and allotment inspiration Scarlett assures me photos of half dug beds are not boring you are...

 Dah dah!!
I chatted to Ken Austin, the vintage lawnmower man today. - He keeps all the grass verges and paths trim and cut. Here he is with his wife Jean, who writes the news letter and who developed the wildlife part of the allotments. She is weeding the raised beds in the adjacent plot to mine, used by the Thomas Wolsey School. A school for disabled children.

Here is Ken with a couple of his beauties. The first is a ATCO (standard) made in 1925. Ken had  finished reconditioning it, when, he was at the dump, and spied a handful of transfers just chucked away seconds before. He quickly nabbed them and they just finished off the job nicely. What were the chances of that?- For him it was better than winning the lottery.

This is a Colwood Motor hoe with a Villers engine, circa 1949, with trolley. This machine can have all sorts of bits attached, its very versatile. Ken hasn't finished the painting yet, because he uses it all the time.  He has adapted the trolley, and he can put sides on it, to lug, gravel, sand, wood chip and of course, grass cuttings....

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