Friday, 10 May 2013

The asparagus crowns arrived

This morning my 10 Gijnlim crowns arrived from New Park Farm, in Tunbridge Wells in a lovely white box complete with planting guidelines.
 So.. this evening I rushed to the plot.

so I popped them into  a bucket of water to soak

and got to work digging the trench, 8 inches deep and 12 inches wide. (mine was approximate) They call it a furrow but my back thinks I dug a trench... What are you supposed to do with all the soil that comes out of it?

I spread the compost from the old chicken coop on the bottom and mixed it in, then made the small ridge down the centre,

over which I draped the crowns 1 foot apart as the guideline's suggested.
then I replaced the three inches of soil over voila!
 I hope I got enough, if not there is room for another trench beside it. Mmmmm only three years to wait.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm.. so worth the wait though! Mark gave me a huge handful of spears from his allotment and they are delicious. Must go and cook some now, come to think of it....
