Thursday, 20 June 2013

Yesterday was too hot to plant,

So I went very early today and planted the butternut squash plants Paul had given me.. and the tomatoes and sweet peppers that I have been growing in the greenhouse, plus two ridge cucumbers I bought yesterday to go with the one"burpless" one that had actually grown from the whole packet of seeds I sowed.

I've been getting on with the weeding, little and often, I am now a dab hand with that onion hoe!

After planting, although the sky looked grey, I thought I'd give everything a good water anyway. We had our hot day of summer yesterday. But the hose attachment that goes on the tap was missing, and the bit on the end of the hose had snapped off too... or been sabotaged by a competitive, secret I had to use my very tiny watering can.
The other plots looked lovely with their flowers to attract the bees; that wild flower mix we sowed earlier just hadn't taken, or we had pulled them all up in our weeding frenzy the other day.
So, this afternoon I checked out my favourite nursery's and bought some perennials, (Salvia x sylvestris Blue queen and rose queen, and Campanula ) and some marigolds. ( Picking up the hose attatchment as well.) I dug up some geraniums, catmint, lavender and speedwell from the garden and put them in the plot. Now it looks much better.

I also found some Scorzoneras and Salsify seeds to plant. It says on the packets, sow in May but everything has been delayed so I put them in any way. They were both long, thin seeds like bit of straw. Well, we will see.
I thought you might like to see how the little cherry tree is getting on... not bad eh! The apricot isn't so good, so I haven't taken a pic of that.

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