What beautiful weekend weather!
We couldn't get to the plot until Sunday afternoon so we were really looking forward to getting stuck in.
We don't really know much about vegetable growing. I have been reading about what to do for years; my 1970's, hessian covered Readers Digest is well thumbed. The wealth of information is overwhelming. After trying it out in the garden in the past, with inadequate soil, shade, and space, I know the only way to learn is by trial and error.
So softly, softly does it.
This year we have divided the plot into three for crop rotation, we knew where the potatoes had been last year, so started from there, with another large area after the raspberry bushes for catch crops and other stuff. There must be a least a million strawberry plants on one side of it, and we plan an asparagus bed on the other side.
We don't know what, "sow in a prepared seed bed then transplant into permanent places," actually means in practice, so we have sowed the purple sprouting broccoli in situ and will move some of them to the spare beds, if and when we need too and find out that way. I'm sure next year we will have a seed bed all ready.
Some photos for your delight...
I lifted the last of the parsnips, one more bowl of curried parsnip soup for lunch tommorow... I'm going to freeze the rest of them.
The garlic is already sprouting... wey hey!
A woman from another plot gave us some cauliflowers and red cabbage,
Heres Hudge planting them...
- Now we have to net them...
and here is a picture of Hudge looking cool in the blinding rays of the afternoon sun with the giant parsnips.
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