The apricot,
and the cherry.
I brought some old fencing panels for the sides of the compost bin, so now that's cosy and secure,
and an old bit of green house staging for in the shed. So I have some useful shelves... I love useful shelves.
I sowed some carrots, (Nantes 2) but the seeds are a bit old so I don't expect much. We will begin the sowing proper in a couple of weeks when the soil has warmed up. I'll put some more carrots besides them and see what happens. I sprinkled that box of wild flowers I bought the other day around the perimeter of the plot. It looked more sawdust than seeds..I'm doubtful anything will grow. I know it was budget, but I did expect something more than handfuls of dust. Now I'm in a pickle because I can't add to it because I wont know whats what...Well, if nothing has sprouted by the end of the month, I'll sow some more anyway. I do want wild flowers to encourage pollinators and to look pretty. I met Ray the chicken keeper from across the path, and learnt all about red mite and the struggle to keep that in check in the hot months. so a very informative as well as productive afternoon.
The shed is looking particularly good.... :-)